In the Name of Allah ,
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
This is my seventh blog, and with the Will of The Almighty, I will make time to consistently post verses from The Noble Quran which I find inspiring, uplifting and enlightening.
Verses that have been answers to my questions and doubts, verses that I use to make myself a better person, verses to strengthen my faith and conviction, verses that have given me assurance, peace and guidance, and verses that I prescribe to my patients and friends for healing of any pain or condition.
I will start with a verse from the title of this blog, Sura Al-Furqan, (Chapter 25), a sura that is very close to my heart, verse 15 and 16:
Say: (O Muhammad may peace be upon him) "Is that (torment of Hell) better or the Paradise of Eternity which is promised to the Muttaqin (the pious)?" It will be theirs as a reward and and as a final destination.
For them there will be therein all that they desire, and they will abide (therein forever). It is a promise binding upon your Lord that must be fulfilled.
Such beautiful words from Allah, and He ends it with a promise that He says He must fulfill. Its an assurance, a promise within a promise, a guarantee for an eternal life where we will be granted anything and everything we desire and more.
Only a fool would turn this offer down, and he would only have himself to blame if he chooses not to pursue Paradise that is eternal, and instead choose to defy his Creator and not make sacrifices in this temporary world. Whatever that have been forbidden to us, no matter how pleasurable, are certainly not worth having if we truly believe what there is in store for us should we choose to be submissive to His commands.
Eternity - one must try to imagine a space that has no dimension, time that has no frames. There is no end to it. It just continues to go on and on and on...Just thinking about this endless and infinite life is frightening enough, what more a life that is filled with torturous punishment that is far beyond the imagination of the human mind.
The answer seems obvious enough, as Allah asks, is that tormentous life better, or is Paradise better?
So why would we choose the former?
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